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Duck: Mira Berenbaum

Asst. News Copy Editor | Fall 2020; Asst. News Editor | Spring 2021

Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration Editor

Working in house at The Daily Orange these past two semesters has been an amazing experience. I knew I wanted to be involved in a college newsroom — but I never pictured that this would be what it’s like. So a giant thanks to everyone who’s helped along the way. Thanks to every source I’ve interviewed, every writer I’ve worked with, everyone who I’ve been in house with, senior staffers, etc. 

Some people in particular that I want to shout out.

Sydney: We were friends before The D.O., but I’m glad it’s brought us closer. You’ve done an incredible job in culture, and I’m excited to listen to you on the pod next semester. 

Louis: I’m excited to see everything you do as culture editor next semester. You’ve been a friendly face around the house all semester. Thanks for always having my back.

Jordan: I’m always happy to see you when you come in house. It’s been fun having you at The D.O. this semester, and I can’t wait to see what you continue to write.  

Roshan: Thanks for teaching us about how sports works. We have yet to nail down the butter beezer file in News, but I guess that’s something next semester’s staff can work on. 

Skyler: I’m glad we’ve gotten closer lately, and I can’t wait to see what you do as sports editor. Thanks for letting me crash Sports, and I hope I wasn’t too big of a distraction.

Anthony: I’m glad you went to XO Taco the night before wellness day. Because honestly that’s probably why we’re friends (or mother and son, you decide). You’re (ak)awesome(97). Do me a favor and learn how to navigate the South Campus buses. Not irrelevant anymore.

Anish: I’m sure I’ll continue to see you around campus because I always do. And keep practicing football, maybe you and Maggie can beat me and KJ one day. 

Richard Perrins: The copy to asst. jump is great, and you’re going to do great things for the section. It’s been fun to work with you this semester, and I’m excited to see what you and the new staff do for this section.

Megan: It’s been fun seeing you when you’re in house. I’m glad we’ve gotten to hang both in and out of The D.O.

Abby: I’m glad we’ve gotten closer this semester, and I can’t wait to see what you do as DME. You’re hilarious, and I always love our conversations in Op when we’re not doing work. 

Maya: You’re such an incredible designer, and working with you has been a pleasure. You always make things easier. I’m glad you joined the boba Sunday crew. You’re going to be great as digital design director.

Incoming News Staff: Being on news staff is tough, but I’m confident you’re all ready to take it on. Don’t be afraid to take risks and keep telling the stories this community needs to hear. It’ll be one of the most rewarding experiences. 

Casey/Emma: Thanks for your leadership this past year. I’ve enjoyed working with you both and can’t wait to see what you’re both able to accomplish in the future. 

Emily/Mandy: You’re both going to do great things for this paper, and they’re lucky to have you. 

Haley: I’ve got big shoes to fill. You’ve done an incredible job as fundraising coordinator, and I’m honored to take the reins. Good luck in Boston.

Gabe: You did my first read at The D.O. and encouraged me to keep writing. It’s been a pleasure reading your incredible stories this semester.

KJ: My football partner. I always know I can count on you for a good laugh. Sorry for asking where the A6 was. I’m glad we’ve become friends this semester. I’ll never forget the night before wellness day. You’re going to do great things, and I’m excited to see what’s next. 

Cori: Thanks for helping me survive PR class and for letting me come down and disrupt you at all times. I’m glad we’ve gotten a lot closer this semester, and I’m glad to have someone to walk home with at 9:30 p.m. every Monday night next year.

Chris Hipp: You brought me in as an SA beat writer and encouraged me to apply for copy, so you’re probably the reason I’m here in the first place. You’re an incredible writer and reporter and also a great friend. Glad Sessa pulled through with your birthday present.

Sessa: You’ve been an incredible news editor, and I’m honestly not sure how you manage to balance it all with such grace. You’re bound to do great things. Enjoy the wilderness this summer and enjoy being (sort of) out of house next semester. 

Sarah: I’m going to miss our walks home to DellPlain after production. I’m honored to have worked with you the past two semesters. You’re a great reporter, and I’m glad to call you my friend. Thanks for teaching me how to spell the word “bickering.” Probably an important skill for me to have. 

Maggie: It’s crazy how close we’ve gotten these past 14 weeks. Thanks for bringing me into the chaos, always filling me in on the drama. I’m going to miss our boba Sundays, though who says we can’t do those out of house? You’ve written so many incredible stories, and you should be so proud of all of the work you accomplished as senior asst. news editor. I promise we’ll hang outside of 230 Euclid now that we’re both ducking. Going to miss your snorts. 

Non-D.O. Friends: Thanks for understanding when I can’t hang out because I have to cover something or go into The D.O. I’ll have more free time now, I promise.

Uncle Howie: I always love seeing your emails after one of my stories comes out, as do my friends. Thanks for always reading my work. 

Mom and Abba: Thanks for supporting everything I do and always reading my stories. And Abba, thanks for the tips every time you hear “Syracuse University” in the news (even though it’s probably already been covered). I love you both so much. 

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